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Building Bethel Lutheran Church in Los Angeles 1947


Bethel Ev. Lutheran Church, now of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), formed its Constitution and Articles of Incorporation with 103 charter members.


AUGUST 16, 1925:

The church was at 8th and Wilton Place.


FEBRUARY 27, 1949:

Bethel’s new church building at 5750 W. Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, 90036. was dedicated in time for its 25th Anniversary.



Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Beverly Hills gave up its charter and many members from there joined Bethel’s family.


JANUARY 1, 1988:

Bethel became part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the now called SouthWest California Synod.


SEPTEMBER 24, 1988:

Bethel hosted the First Annual Synod-wide Evangelism Outreach Festival.


OCTOBER 9, 1988:

Bethel hosted the First Annual Synod-wide Peace With Justice Week.


JUNE 13, 1992:

“Hands Across L.A.”  Participation as part of a coalition of churches and temples, sponsoring a 10-mile human chain as a symbol of peace and unity.


MARCH 14, 1995 to Present:

Bethel was affirmed as a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which welcomes the full participation of LGBTQ people.


NOVEMBER 19, 1995:

Participation in “A Service of Baptism:  Renewing the 1993 Trilateral Covenant Among the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles; the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Southern California West Synod; and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles.”


2009 to Present:

Bethel created the Sanctuary Yoga program, with weekly classes open to church members and members of the community.  Creation of Emergency Food Pantry.  Participation in Habitat For Humanity in Los Angeles County. 

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